The old paper we cut for small pieces. We kept it in water during the night, than we mixed it during other day.
Na druhý deň sme zmes rozmixovali. Ak bola zmes hustá, pridali sme do nej vodu, tak aby mala hustotu smotanového mlieka...
If the mixture was very dense, we put more water into. Our product had to have density of creamy milk.Trocha zmesi sme rozvrstvili na ráme do tenkej vrstvy a prebytočnú vodu sme vytlačili utierkou...
A bit of mixture we broke down on the frame to thin segment and waters we delivered by textile....Cez plátno sme vytlačili valčekom zostatok vody...
Through linen we delivered the rest of water...Nakoniec sme naše dielko nechali uschnúť...
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