Kde všade sa nachádzajú kontajnery na separovaný zber sme už zistili. Dnes sme naše zistenia v teréne zakresľovali do mapy mesta Tvrdošín. Toto je náš výsledok...
We found of all containers around us for separate waste. Today we have drawn our notices from terrain to map of Tvrdošín. This is our result…
Žiaci oslovili p. Ondrašáka z Technických služieb mesta Tvrdošín, ktorý má na starosti odvoz odpadu. Zaujímali ich tieto otázky:
Pupils spoke to Mr. Ondrašák from Technical services of Tvrdošín, who tend driving- away this waste. These questions were interesting for them.
Aký je presný počet jednotlivých kontajnerov?
What accurent number of containers is in our town? /How many containers are in our town?
What accurent number of containers is in our town? /How many containers are in our town?
Ako často sú vyvážané kontajnery na separovaný zber?
How often are containers for separated waste exported?
Kam sa vyváža vyseparovaný odpad?
Where does separated waste is exported?
Where does separated waste is exported?
Má mesto z vývozu odpadu aj nejaký zisk?
Have town any profit from exporting of waste?
Zistili sme nasledovné:
We found of following info:
V meste sa nachádza 83 kontajnerov: 30 na plasty, 27 na sklo, 26 na papier.
Veľkoobjemové kontajnery a kontajnery na separovaný zber v meste sa vyvážajú podľa potreby, kontajnery na separovaný zber na sídlisku Medvedzie dva krát do mesiaca.
Vyseparovný papier a sklo končí v zberných surovinách v Trstenej, plasty v zbernom dvore v Breze.
V dnešnej dobe sa nedá hovoriť o zisku, ale za 100 kg skla, dostaneme 0,66 €.
There are eighty-three containers in our town: thirty for plastic waste, twenty-seven for glass, twenty –six for paper.
Hightcubaged containers and containers for separated collection in the town are exporting
according necessity and containers for separated waste on settlement Medvedzie about twice a mouth. All separated paper and glass finishes in collecting ground in the Trstená and plastic in the separated yard in the Breza.
Today isn´t possible say about profit, but for one 100 kilogram of glass we get 0,66 €.
Hightcubaged containers and containers for separated collection in the town are exporting
according necessity and containers for separated waste on settlement Medvedzie about twice a mouth. All separated paper and glass finishes in collecting ground in the Trstená and plastic in the separated yard in the Breza.
Today isn´t possible say about profit, but for one 100 kilogram of glass we get 0,66 €.
o kontejnery u vás není nouze!!